What else should I put besides pics and videos, i know how to do that but cool things websites have. Any ideas? please


        <title>Jesse Levine Music</title>

        <form style="background-color:white;">
        <div id="header" style="font-size:80px; font-weight:bolder; text-smooth: 20px 20px 20px; color:black; text-align:center;" ><CR> 
            JESSE LEVINE<CR> 

            <div id="text-align" style="text-align:center;"/>

        <INPUT TYPE="button" value='HOME'        onClick="parent.location='home.html'"           style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <INPUT TYPE="button" value='NEWS'        onClick="parent.location='news.html'"           style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='MUSIC'       onClick="parent.location='music.html'"          style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='TOUR'        onClick="parent.location='tour.html'"           style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='PHOTO'       onClick="parent.location='photo.html'"          style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='VIDEO'       onClick="parent.location='video.html'"          style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='LIFESTYLE'   onClick="parent.location='lifestyle.html'"      style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
        <input type='button' value='STORE'       onClick="parent.location='store.html'"          style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>


            <div id="background" style="background-color:white;"/>


            <div id="background-border" style="border:solid black 10px; height: 1000px; margin: 1px; background-color:white; padding:50px;">


Please don't take this the wrong way, but where are you getting this code from? This code needs some serious help. Opening tags that aren't closed, self-terminating DIVs that serve no purpose, using input buttons for main nav? I've been writing HTML for a while now and I've never seen a <CR> tag. There's so much wrong here, you should really learn HTML before you move on to "cool things".

Does it display at all? there are a lot of browsers that won't display this amount of errors.
If you can see it, you could add, 'about me' 'contact us'

<CR> lower case & ffs WHY
<div id="text-align" style="text-align:center;"/><div> cannot self close
<FORM>lower case
<INPUT TYPE="button" value='HOME' onClick="parent.location='home.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>buttons ffs WHY, lower case
</FORM> lower case
<div id="background" style="background-color:white;"/><div> cannot self close
<p>no closure
<div id="background-border" style="border:solid black 10px; height: 1000px; margin: 1px; background-color:white; padding:50px;">no closure

<!DOCTYPE>: has to include the doctype, hgml sgml html and for all versions lower than html5 the link to the dtd
<cr>: carriage return, many user agents do not add a line feed, the subsequent text overprints
cannot self close : there has to be a matching </element> somewhere
buttons and onclick: don't work when scripting is turned of, dont work the same in all user agents, best practice is nested lists with css to control the display/hide of the elements, and <a href> anchors
no closure : there has to be a matching </element> somewhere

Have you thought about putting in an iFrame, and using absolute positioning to place that iFrame anywhere you like on your webpage? An iFrame is like a separate little portal that can display another website, a webpage on your site, etc etc

Member Avatar for diafol

If you have to ask, you have no idea what you're trying to do. Have an idea of what you want to do, then YOU TELL US what you're looking for.

Well, Thank you all so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it.


Thanks bro, I took a class in the basics of html over the summer but before that I had no experience in programming whatsoever. So no I know its not the best, Im learning on the go. But main nav for the menu, got it. Thanks. Hey, what do you mean by self-terminationg DIVs?


I honestly wonder if there are different "dialects" of html, because i am able to view it on firefox, and google chrome without a problem, This is my first website ever, I expect there to be a lot of errors. Also i forgot why I put the <cr> there, i think i meant to put a <br> there.


I thought about that tag but why would i want another website on my website?


I didnt mean to say "cool things", i was really looking for guidance on what else to put, like maybe a youtube button/icon or something or like how to position certain things to make it look better. thats all. Sorry for the confusion. Im an open book.

To all, I really appreciate it, Im going to minor in computer science when i transfer to baruch, which ill pick up a few things but I'd rather start now.

Anyway thanks again!

it isnt dialects, its versions 1 - 5, and each has a distinct set of rules, that must be followed closely enough to have the page display.
Ok so you can view it. You arent the intended audience, of the 8billion people it has to at least work for 7,999,999,999 other people's combination of browser and OS
there is a thread read me before you ask for review, code compliant sites rank better in ser that would help explain.
self terminating <div>s as referred by evolution,,
<div> elements must look like this <div> content </div>
some elements eg <img> can self close <img src='thepicture' /> &/but that depends on the html version you are writing

Thanks bro, I took a class in the basics of html over the summer but before that I had no experience in programming whatsoever. So no I know its not the best, Im learning on the go. But main nav for the menu, got it. Thanks. Hey, what do you mean by self-terminationg DIVs?

For the menu, yes, use links (<a href> elements). Often these are nested inside of unordered lists:

<ul id="nav">
    <li><a href="/a-link.html">Home</a></li>
    <li><a href="/another-link.html">About</a></li>

As for self-closing divs, I was referring to:

<div id="text-align" style="text-align:center;"/>

This really depends on what your DOCTYPE is. In XHTML if you put a /> at the end of a tag it is essentially the same as doing <tag></tag>. This makes little sense for DIVs because they're usually used to contain other elements. In this case the code essentially creates a DIV called text-align which provides center alignment for text, but then immediately closes itself, which accomplishes nothing.

Member Avatar for diafol

XHTML will let through all manner of rubbish as it allows xml, not just html, effectively making nearly all tags "self-closable" (script may be an exception). I don't think XHTML should be used as a doctype if you're serving text/html, use html.

In addition "void elements" in html5 (e.g. img, meta) have an optional forward slash at the end in html5, so they do not "look like self-closing tags", rather they can look as if they've lost their closing tag partners.

<img src="..." /> or <img src="">

List of void elements:

area, base, br, col, command, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, meta, param, source, track, wbr

Not sure where this is going though.

I wanted to jump in for just a second and thank everyone who replied to this post. I am learning as well and your explanations are a help. And for us the "beginners", what reference materials would you suggest that are both basic enough to easily understand, yet comprehensive enough to be of real help? Thanks again.

ih8bugz, the site isnt perfect, but tutorials at w3schools.com are ok not affiliated with the w3c at all

A code editor with highlighting, automatically changes colors as the code changes, fantastic for missed closures and other 'headslap moment' code errors. I use notepad++ there are dozens

avoid wysiwyg ,
what you get, is not what everyone else gets, different browsers etc

html5 css3, responsive design, its easier than everything else, you won't have to unlearn things later

I dont know whether I am using xhtml, or html 1-5. I am just using textmate for mac... has anyone ever heard of it? I guess I am using xhtml because in the web preview i am able to view the DIVs even though they aren't "closed".

Thanks for the tip. But I thought using id's was just a way to organize code. But your saying i dont even need the style tag to center the text? @EvolutionFallen

TextMate was once one of the best markup editors available on the Mac, but then development went stagnant. Now, version 2.0 is in alpha and the developer is keeping the app modern again. TextMate 2.0 holds a wonderful new tabbed interface, a symbol selector, support for 40 filetypes, fullscreen support for Lion, and line collapsing. It’s getting better with every release, but right now it’s not even in beta.

"Not even in beta", why the output is less than perfect
can you roll back to 1.51 which does work (according to stepdaughter who is a mac user)
Dont use a mac, so I dunno what code editors are good for it

Ideally there are no style tags in the html
just class and id
you style the classes and IDs in an external css file, and every page is the same

want to change the whole site: make 1 change in a css file, easy
want to change one element, change its id, easy

If you style elements in the page, every page is Huge on every load or reload, because every
<div class='border'>this div is externally styled</div>
<div style='width:95%; height:244px; text-align:left; margin:1%; margin-left:2em; margin-bottom:35px; border:1px blue solid; padding:2%;'> this div is inline styled</div>

want to change the whole site, find and change every <div element in every file and folder, NOT easy
want to change one element, change its style="all kinds of stuff" , not particularly easy

external scripts or css get DL once and just keep re-applying themselves
makes the site as a whole smaller and faster.
more complicated the styling, the smaller the external style site is compared to inline styles,

I have to agree with almostbob -- you can't cut corners by using a wysiwyg. Sure, maybe you start out using them, but eventually have to dive deeper and really get into the nitty gritty of the code. Otherwise, you're at the mercy of whoever made the program that's writing your code for you.


So your saying you could have 10 .html links for a site and have one css file that styles all of them?

what is wysiwyg?

Yes you can have 10 links and thousands of other elements on hundreds of pages and a single css file that styles all of them

<INPUT TYPE="button" value='HOME' onClick="parent.location='home.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<INPUT TYPE="button" value='NEWS' onClick="parent.location='news.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='MUSIC' onClick="parent.location='music.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='TOUR' onClick="parent.location='tour.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='PHOTO' onClick="parent.location='photo.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='VIDEO' onClick="parent.location='video.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='LIFESTYLE' onClick="parent.location='lifestyle.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>
<input type='button' value='STORE' onClick="parent.location='store.html'" style="height: 25px; width: 110px;"/>

would be something like

<a class='mbutton' href='/home.html'>home</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/news.html'>news</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/music.html'>music</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/tour.html'>tour</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/photo.html'>photo</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/video.html'>video</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/lifestyle.html'>lifestyle</a>
<a class='mbutton' href='/store.html'>store</a>

which looks bettter? easy Q

unfortunately wysiwyg is crap,
what you see is nothing like what everyone else gets.

Yes, you can style anything and everything from a CSS file, and much better to do that than place it in a style="" attribute.

And WYSIWYG means: What You See Is What You Get.

It's a visual editor that allows you to design a website by typing it like any other type of document. The text box you will you to reply is an example of WYSIWYG. Common editors are like DreamWeaver etc.

What they are saying by that is code your website by hand (yes, by yourself), using HTML, from the ground up. This way your code will be reasonably neat and will be a damn site easier to interpret.

Member Avatar for diafol

Sorry this looks like a chip-in thread, so I'll just make another observation wrt inline styling and css files:

Always separate your languages / markup as far as possible. CSS files can be easily cached, leading to faster rendering on subsequent page loads.

There's some stuff about IE running style attributes faster than css, but the evidence is skewed / limited use case IMO.

Inline styling will make future changes a nightmare. They also have the highest priority of all styling methods, so overriding them with css or style tags is a bit of a nightmare.

Priority (highest to lowest):
Inline style
Style tags
CSS file


Don't be sorry, thanks for the contribution. So external styling is the best way to go period? No matter what it is your doing? Because most things in programming have to be stylized, correct?


yeah the class tags/external styling looks a lot more organized and legible and makes room for more code than inline.

yeah the class tags/external styling looks a lot more organized and legible and makes room for more code than inline.

external css files make more sense than inline,
are more flexible you can give style to different states, for all elements,
ordinary - visited - active - hover

.mbutton { background:#3498db; -webkit-border-radius:28; -moz-border-radius:28; border-radius:28px; font-family:Arial; padding:.5em 1em; }
.mbutton:hover { background:#3cb0fd; }

doesnt do much, just sets curved corners and changes the mouseover color for all menu links

there are IDE for pc, that produce clean html5 code, with external scripts and css3,
not wysiwyg, with a view pane
there has to be something equal for a mac,
apple have a lot to answer, with the 'you can only play with the toys I tell you' bullshit

does komodo run on a mac??
the pc version is good, there are versions for linux and beos,

Here are some useful and easy commands.

<marquee>This text will scroll from right to left

<marquee behavior="alternate" scrollamount="50"
    scrolldelay="8">This text will go Alternate
    from Left to Right</marquee>

<marquee behavior="slide">This text will scroll in
    and "stick."</marquee>

<marquee scrolldelay="5" scrollamount="50">
   This is a very fast scrolling text.</marquee>

<marquee><img src="uparrow.gif" alt="up" align="middle"
 width="21" height="19">You can even add images to marquees!</marquee>

edit the numbers and the file names or titles that you want

commented: This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in future -3

Those were some useless pointless commands

quote w3c:HTML/Elements/marquee


HTML Reference

The <marquee> element is a non-standard element.
HTML5 classifies it as a non-conforming feature.


No, really. don't use it.

quote mozilla.org

Non Standard
This feature is non-standard and is not on a standards track. Do not use it on production sites facing the Web: it will not work for every user. There may also be large incompatibilities between implementations and the behavior may change in future

html4 classified as non-conforming, likewise

That which does not display, except IE, probably should not be used.

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For people wishing to offer advice on this thread, please check your facts and provide valid links if possible. Offering bad advice or encouraging the use of non-standard objects / tags can really bugger up a noob's efforts.

komodo does work for mac, it looks pretty good but its not free. Is it a good investment?

I still dunno what is good for a mac,
Jenn(daughter) can't tell me much, she doesnt do much writing
closed architecture makes it difficult
there isnt so much available
All you really need, is a text editor and safari to preview the code in
I like having devPHP and portablemysql and other apps for anything I decide I want to try

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