My teacher told to do this but he never show us

CSS to ensure that all the paragraphs are formatted identically, and to
indent the paragraphs by 4 times the width of an ‘x’.

I have all three are paragraphs are ready.

You'll need to upload the markup you are having trouble width and explain what you have done and what you need help with.

how do you add the width to x and what is CSS to ensure that all the paragraphs are formatted identically mean? I new to HTML

You may need some clarification from your teacher. This statement..

indent the paragraphs by 4 times the width of an ‘x’

Doesnt make a whole lot of sense to me. What is "x"? Do you mean "px" for pixel?

If you wanted to indent the first line of all paragraph elements, you can use the style: text-indent. If you wanted to indent 4px, then it would look like...

p { text-indent: 4px; }

If you wanted to indent 4xs the width of the font-size you would use this example...

p { text-indent: 4em; }

So, without knowing what CSS is, all of this information is useless to you.

what is CSS

"CSS is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in a markup language"

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and what is CSS to ensure that all the paragraphs are formatted identically mean

If you don't know what he meant, I doubt whether we will. Simple solution = Ask him.

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