Hi , I'm cloud , 42 yr old mom . I'm gearing down to get my associate's in webpage design , although I've been designing personal and 1 business site for years. One can never get too much education in this field and there's still alot I haven't learned on my own , which nudged me to go for my associates (and later bachlor's ) . I'm due to start in the fall .

I want to meet other web designers :)


Hey there. Welcome to the forums. Browse around a bit, and if you come across any questions, be sure to post and we'll see what we can do to help ya! :)

welcome to the forum :D

Hey that's cool! Good for you, and welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums! :) I occasionally do web designing on a professional level; but 99% of the time just for personal relaxation and enjoyment.

Thanks , I hope to do alittle of both - professionally and relaxation . Do any of you use PSP 8 ? I love the program.


Welcome to the forums! :) I occasionally do web designing on a professional level; but 99% of the time just for personal relaxation and enjoyment.

No, I use Adobe Photoshop CS to do graphics, and Microsoft Development Environment to do coding/debugging. :P Notepad for making CSS.

vim is the only thing to use for coding ;)
and the gimp is the only thing to use for graphics ;)
well not the only actually jst what i use. but i suck at graphics :(

been doing graphics for ages . I can imagine I'll be using alot of different programs thru my course .


I recently did some research for an assignment for work on graphics programs so as to decide what to use. I found that psp is great for photo editing, but photoshop kicks the hoo ha out of it in digital art. Most of the better art that can be done with psp is all third party (plugins). I haven't used psp since version 7 I think, but I remember compared to the photoshop adjacent version... I didn't like it.

Personal preference!


vim is the only thing to use for coding ;)
and the gimp is the only thing to use for graphics ;)
well not the only actually jst what i use. but i suck at graphics :(

On Linux? I take it you like open source. :P

Isn't it vi? not vim? :O

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