Is there some way to hide the navigation bar on a web page? When i say navigation bar i mean the webaddress at the top and any foreward/backward buttons. Thanks! M

Unless it is a small pop up window for something like a image enlargement or something along those lines you will seriously annoy someone if you use this technique. That is a warning!!!;)

Unless it is a small pop up window for something like a image enlargement or something along those lines you will seriously annoy someone if you use this technique. That is a warning!!!;)

Of course not! You may display there any site u want, any size you want, almost anything, depends on your experience with JS.

Unfortunately if you want to turn of bar in opened browser, i think it is technically inpossible (perhaps im wrong).

Of course not! You may display there any site u want, any size you want, almost anything, depends on your experience with JS.

I think you need to read my comment again. Because I didn't say that it is not possible to display anything in this window. I just said that it is advisable not to do so because people may want to navigate away from your page and by stopping them doing this you will enoy them. That should clear it up, but please read things properly next time before posting.

I dont want to argue in pointless topic. You said plainly:

Unless it is a small pop up window for something like a image enlargement

So i just correct your post, it is not only small, but could be even fullscreen, and not only for images or sth, but for everything u want

That should clear it up, but please read things properly next time before posting.

Definitly right! So the best people aply their own opinion...:confused:

I dont want to argue in pointless topic. You said plainly:

Unless it is a small pop up window for something like a image enlargement

So i just correct your post, it is not only small, but could be even fullscreen, and not only for images or sth, but for everything u want

Unfortuanately I didn't say that. I said:

Unless it is a small pop up window for something like a image enlargement or something along those lines you will seriously annoy someone if you use this technique.

You only copied the first part of my sentence and that did make it sound like I was saying it isn't possible but if you finish the sentence you will see that I infact simply made the comment that it will annoy people because they cannot navigate away from the page without closing it.


Please can someone back me up because this is a pointless discussion and I can't explain what I have posted any better.

Thanks and I hope we can clear this up.

As i said, pointless discussion. You are negate yourself. That is not the point of topic, if you want to play those games, make your own.

@nschessnerd As i said, i dont think that any browser allow you to manipulate visibility of their parts, unless you open new window.

Err... Excuse me yes you are correct it isn't the point of the topic however I do not contradict myself and I would like you to realise what I am saying. I will explain what I have said in a different way (this does not mean I will contradict (negate) myself):

From a user's perspective it is not good practise to stop the user from using the browser's navigation system because this effects their overall web experience. However, this is exceptable if the page is for example:

  • an image enlargement
  • a more detailed product description
  • or something that is small and does not require the full width and height of the page.

The reason for this is that the average user may not notice that a pop-up has appeared and will then feel lost because their normal browser does not look normal! They will then have no way of navigating away from the page apart from closing it. Whereas, if it is a smaller window the user can see what is behind it and can still see how to navigate away from the specific page.

The main aim of general web design is to keep the user happy and to have good "usability" on your website. For this reason, it is not good practise to pop up a full screen window with no navigation bars.

I truely hope that this has cleared this whole argument up. You must understand that my comments are coming from a ergonomic view and not a technical view.

ehh, ergonomic...

Did u think :idea: once, that maybe he is a good AS programmer, and need a window without bar for his Flash application, which has much better navigation buttons to get around service, and making people feel good seeing only good written application, not useless bars and menus?

I am doing myself applications like this in JS, and met no person complaining...

Yes fair enough you may want to make a flash page with it but, you you still need to get out of this service and my point isn't that you can't navigate around the "service" from this window but incase you hadn't realised people don't just stick on one website they use lots of them and need to be able to go to a different address at anytime. End of Discussion.

To put it bluntly, any website that tries to take control away from me by hiding a browser's UI, for whatever the reason, I will very quickly become annoyed and not only ignore the site but possibly tell others to avoid it.

Just a thought from a general web surfer.

To put it bluntly, any website that tries to take control away from me by hiding a browser's UI, for whatever the reason, I will very quickly become annoyed and not only ignore the site but possibly tell others to avoid it.

Just a thought from a general web surfer.

Thank you so much!!!!!! Seriously thanks. This is exactly what I said.:cheesy:

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