
I am using latest LG Optimus 500, i want to use my mobile as WIFI Portable modem, with help of this i want to use internet connection to my Dell XPS 15 R Laptop.

Pls any one give me good solutions

Can you specify your problem, i do not know what you mean b this " i want to use my mobile as WIFI Portable modem, with help of this i want to use internet connection to my Dell XPS 15 R Laptop.

look up "internet connection sharing" for whichever version of windows is on the computer. you'll specifically want to look up wireless connection sharing. it's overally pretty easy.

Ok, i get what you mean now. Follow tje210 steps, make sure your laptop settings is set to receive network and sharing as firewall sometimes can block this purpose.

Thanks for your suggestion, i will check the things what you have suggest

Assuming you are running Android 2.2 or later, you should have a wireless hotspot capability on the phone. You configure it with an SSID and optional security (WEP/WPA) with passphrase. Then, up to 5 computers can use the phone as a WiFi access point. I've done that with my 3g Nexus One, and it works very well. It was like having a 2mbps DSL internet connection. Web browsing was snappy, and YouTube videos played without excessive buffering.

look up "internet connection sharing" for whichever version of windows is on the computer

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