Just now ,I found this :http://goo.gl/AnR2Ait says that's tablet pc,but I think it's a phone.

much like a tablet pc to me...

p/s: that site has bad reputation by WOT for some reason so be careful

much like a tablet pc to me...

p/s: that site has bad reputation by WOT for some reason so be careful

I think pc is much bigger
P.S.:the link is too long ,so I have to use google:)

It doesn't need to be big to be a pc. For example, If you want to compare notebook and netbook, netbook is still consider a laptop, only smaller in size.

See if it can make outgoing/ingoing call function, much like modern phone does...

p/s: not the google shorten link.. I referring to the website. Web of Trust (WOT) mark it as red (not trusted) and I suggest you be careful when surfing on that site

It doesn't need to be big to be a pc. For example, If you want to compare notebook and netbook, netbook is still consider a laptop, only smaller in size.

See if it can make outgoing/ingoing call function, much like modern phone does...

p/s: not the google shorten link.. I referring to the website. Web of Trust (WOT) mark it as red (not trusted) and I suggest you be careful when surfing on that site

Thanks for your advice,I didn't know it before,For I 'm new.but there's nothing wrong with it,for I go to that site for several times,I'm wondering why it's not trusted..

Welcome to daniweb. What flagstar say is true. That is a tablet, but i have not heard of its brand and model name so you have to be wary of it. It might not be as good as other table like iPad2 but it is definitely cheaper.

a 7 inch phone, imagine walking about with that in your ear.lol

its a tablet for sure, small to keep the price down .

Welcome to daniweb. What flagstar say is true. That is a tablet, but i have not heard of its brand and model name so you have to be wary of it. It might not be as good as other table like iPad2 but it is definitely cheaper.

but I was wondering that there are so many people buy Ipad ,does the quality of other brands unknown is really very bad?

You have to depends on who created the tablet. Although ipad is famous other tablet like motorola xoom is selling like hotcakes in other countries. Motorola is quite a known brand but the tablet you mention is rarely known so i won't recommend buying it unless you trust the developer products. Good luck:)

You have to depends on who created the tablet. Although ipad is famous other tablet like motorola xoom is selling like hotcakes in other countries. Motorola is quite a known brand but the tablet you mention is rarely known so i won't recommend buying it unless you trust the developer products. Good luck:)

well.You said quit right,But how can we know whether the product is good or not??

You can check the internet to see if the product is well known or check to see if there are any reviews for that product. You can also ask your friends or some expert for their opinions as well.;)

it's a tablet for god's sake...

it's a tablet for god's sake...

everyone knows that now,what the discussion is about now is the quality of the one in the OP link

Usually it's like this...

Cheap - low quality + very limited warranty + no compatible accessories

Expensive - med to high quality + extended warranty + lots of compatible accessories + hassle free + lots of supported apps + good design

something like that... but that may vary in some countries... which country does it manufacture? looks like from China

So in conclusion, cheap products does not last long like the one you show above in the link. It may be cheap but its brand i have never heard before so i do not trust it. Better go for something that is more well known although more expensive. ipad2 perhaps?

They tried to make it look nice, but it's made in China.
If you scroll down, it shows an iPhone on Facebook in Chinese, and they have grammar mistakes all over the place.

I would not buy this.

but it's made in China.

isn't it all made in china, i removed a motherboard from a hp laptop last week and it had made in china sticker on it

A $120 tablet?
From China?

Screams cheap and breakable in two days.

A $120 tablet?
From China?

Screams cheap and breakable in two days.

But people do buy it anyway... usually just to show off that he or she has one...

Not to offending anyone but I think products made from China were usually low quality on another countries aside from it's country itself. If you want to compare PS2 made in Japan and PS2 made in China, PS2 from Japan last longer and be able to play games hassle-free unless it's a disk problem.

Advice, just buy one that is well known like Sony, Samsung, Apple etc but be wary also where to they manufacture it...

I usually order amazon or from the actual retailers site.

Always and ALWAYS! read the fine print first. You could save your money just by reading it first...

Also be aware of where it's manufacture. For example, the original is from Australia but it was manufacture in Thailand so you could guess it wasn't true original unless the original manufacturer says so...

i have many problms i want create a new windows 7

i have many problms i want create a new windows 7

Like a modification or an installation?

i want create a new windows 7

give it a try ,maybe you'll get it better than Bill Go it.lol

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