I've been getting flickering graphics, nonstop during gameplay on every game i play. during movie sequences or anything outside of game its fine. I'm running the latest drivers but still no change. In Nvidia control pane, 3d settings - adjust image settings with preview, the preview shows the flickering too, but the graphics and performance are great otherwise. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

could be coming from another source ,like a cell phone .cordless phone ,a modem or wireless device ,hard to say for sure ,could be a bad video card also .

Remove, and reseat the graphics card. It sounds like a flunky connection somewhere. If the card is new, then return it for a warranty exchange. try and repost.


You may want to verify that your power supply is capable. I had flickering if I did not have both connectors for the board plugged in.


the 8800gtx needs 450w minimum. i reccomend 550w+

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