while searching for a amd 64 to buy I saw that the default fsb is 266mhz and that it only runs at 1ghz until it needs to run quicker (for games or programs). can someone eplains this to me? I thought when you buy a amd 64 you get a 1600Mhz FSB and a 2.2Ghz cpu

Where did you read this? I've never heard of this...I know they run slower, but they are a 64bit processor as opposed to its XP sister. I'll have to look into this...

while searching for a amd 64 to buy I saw that the default fsb is 266mhz and that it only runs at 1ghz until it needs to run quicker (for games or programs). can someone eplains this to me? I thought when you buy a amd 64 you get a 1600Mhz FSB and a 2.2Ghz cpu

I couldn't exactly explain the FSB part myself, because I don't quite understand it either. Hopefully, someone else can elaborate on that for you.

But, the whole deal with the 1ghz part has to do with this "Cool and Quiet" mode that the chip and motherboard are supposed to support. When you're just browsing the web, or other "simple" stuff like that, you don't really need a full 2.2ghz for that. In the interests of keeping your system "Cool and Quiet", the chip downclocks it to a still usable speed, and it will speed back up only when you need it to. You've got a chip that's capable of 2.2ghz, but it will only do that when you need the extra processing power.

No big deal, though, because you'll probably never notice it.

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