Good day to you...
I am looking into a newer video card but unfortunately my pc only has pci slots so I am looking at the Gforce 5200 256 meg pci. There are not a lot of choices when it comes to pci slots. I am a recent grad with no job so replacing the pc is not an option at this time. Any suggestions?

XP Pro
Intel PIII, 1GHz
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 420-64meg
SB Live

To be honest, I'd just stick with what you've got and wait until you can get a job. The FX5200 isn't that much of a jump and the rest of the system is still a bit of a bottleneck. And 256Mb of onboard memory on a video chipset like that? What a waste!

yeah man, if you want to upgrade, wait and just get a new pc, P3 will be obsolete in a few months the way games are going these days.

Thanks for the info and Ill just sit tight for awhile....

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