I have a PII with 64 mb RAM. I want to upgrade to either 256mb or 512mb. First question is will 256mb be sufficient now that i have XP installed or better to go for 512mb. Better with 512mb i'm sure but relative to cost?

Second question is what do i have to look for in terms of RAM compatability? I don't want to buy it then find out it doesn't work.



Windows XP can run with 256mb of RAM, my sister's computer runs on a P4 1.5ghz with 256mb of RAM. Is XP slow on your P2? I don't think I would have the patience to use that. Anyway...

Download CPU-Z, this app should detect your RAM type and speed if you want the same RAM you already have. If you want the best you can put in, you should check what is your motherboard's model and check out on the net what RAM it supports.

That should answer your questions...

you need to find how much ram your mobo supports, most likely the max is 512mb. I would go with the 512mb if I were you, the 256mb will just not be enough.

you need to find how much ram your mobo supports, most likely the max is 512mb. I would go with the 512mb if I were you, the 256mb will just not be enough.

It depends what he will do with his system. If he just wants to use the internet, write some documents and simple things like that 256mb would be enough.

If I had a P2, I think I would buy a cheap barebone instead of changing the RAM. You can get some better barebones than your P2 for less than 200$.

You might want to reconsider that P II upgrade...

You would be buying ram that will not work on a newer machine and you will not be happy with the final result.

For $199 you can get a decent PC at Walmart...
I comes with Lindows but you can install XP on it.
(You can keep Lindows and double boot) You may like it...

What part of the world are you in...
I may have some ram to give you just to prove the point...

I'd have to agree with Thong Inspector. Extra RAM will help but it will not overcome the fact that it's an older and slower PC.

Balance the costs of extra SD-RAM against the costs of getting an entry-level 'upgrade box' to use. That's basically a new PC which does not come with monitor, keyoard, mouse or software. If you have a Windows CD you can load it, and use the bits 'n' pieces from your old system with it.

That's often the cheapest way to get a good upgrade, and now that new SD-RAM modules are not in common use and rather expensive, it's an alternative worth checking out!

The thing is i have just got a new computer so my old PII will either be given away or sold for a few quid (i'm in UK by the way).

So i'm only looking to upgrade it to some sort of respectable level so that it can run XP, Office 2003, and internet. Nothing major apart from that.

On ebay i can get 256mb for about £20 (40 bucks) so thought that outlay would be worth it.

Has this changed your advice?


It reminds of when I had Win 95 on my 486 66mhz. it was slow as hell!! Memory upgrades did not do the trick for speed...

Yes. 256Mb more RAM will run XP a lot better and make it a sellable item.

XP, Office 2003, and internet. Nothing major apart from that.

Well, that is asking quite alot from an old P II...

For under $100 you can get an AMD 2000+ motherboard and CPU and 256 megs that will drop into that system and be light years ahead of anything you can do with that P II...

You dont mention the CPU speed... How fast is it?

I give away systems under 500 mhz...

LOL. You never read the earlier comment. The RAM upgrade is to trick it up prior to selling the thing!

Like I said at the beginning 256MB is enough for typing and browsing... I agree with Catweazle. I've seen 128mb on P3 systems with XP. It is slow but it works. :)

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