Just bought computer at store and it was working.Then I turned it off and put more memory in it.When I tried to turn the computer on it worked,but it wouldn't display on the monitor.How do I fix this?

Just bought computer at store and it was working.Then I turned it off and put more memory in it.When I tried to turn the computer on it worked,but it wouldn't display on the monitor.How do I fix this?

Are you sure that your monitor works.

I'm guessing that you aren't using the computer as a piggy bank, and that when you say you put more money into it you are refering to an after sale installation. Will you please tell us what you installed? :cool:

Yes the monitor works.It worked the first time, and it is also a brand new monitor.I also used 2 monitors to sure that the monitor wasn't the problem.

And I meant that I put more RAM in it.

Are you sure your computer works fine excepting the no-display problem? Why?

How much RAM did you have previously? How much RAM did you add?

Remove the extra RAM. Restart your system. Everything ok? Relocate the extra RAM in another slot or swap it with the existing one, etc.

Would you please tell us what kind of computer you have, and if it's home build what motherboard and proccessor you'er using, and last of all, exactly what kind of memory did you install? Thanks

lets start from the beginning.....i switched the memory modules to a new probabbly faster or higher memory.. you didnt mention that u kept the bus speed the same so i think that the bus speed is different and not being recognized by the system so...the suggewstion is to returnthe memory modules and get the same bus spped of memory at higher memoryu to accomidae the system...exple--1066 buss for processor will go with a 1333 bus for memory...but not a 1600 buss for a 1066 processor

zxor2 this is a 6 yr old thread ,long gone im sure

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