Acer TXsomething(can't remember the rest of the name, other than it is a TX)

Windows XP Home Edition

512mb RAM

Ok, My desktop is completely screwed, literally. The screen won't turn on, and I mean it won't turn on, its completely plugged in and screwed tight. When I press the power button, it starts its humming thing and sometimes starts beeping, long ongoing beep.

On the rare occasion it may turn on, the screen would have parts of it missing, lines I mean - As if its flicker. IF it miraculously reaches the desktop stage, it may sudden'y restart and screwed (unbootable). I've even reinstalled Windows lots of times - And lost PRECIOUS work whilst at it.

You're probably wondering how I'm able to post this thread, I'm on the Laptop - Which has other problems of its own ...

have u check ur video card,aslo check to c if ur memory card is sitting rite.

The beeping you are hearing when powering on is a POST beep code. It will help diagnose the problem if you can count the beeps and pattern of the beep code. Such as: 1 short beep - 2 long beeps - 1 short beep

commented: Thankyou so much for your help +1

What is a POST beep? I barely know. The beep is one long continuous beep. It doesn't stop until I power off the computer by hand (pressing it for 5 seconds).

What is a POST beep? I barely know. The beep is one long continuous beep. It doesn't stop until I power off the computer by hand (pressing it for 5 seconds).

The problem definitely sounds hardware related. If you have the technical ability to open the PC up and re-seat the components (i.e. memory, video adapter, etc.) then I would give that a try. And resetting CMOS wouldn't hurt to try either.

If you don't, then you should have a qualified technician take a look at it.

Yes, I have the technical ability to open my PC; when you mean re-seat, do you mean make sure they're put in properly and adjusted right? How do I reset CMOS? Is Video Adapter the same as Graphics Card/Video Card?

I forgot to mention, I got that PC in 2002/2003.

Yes, I have the technical ability to open my PC; when you mean re-seat, do you mean make sure they're put in properly and adjusted right? How do I reset CMOS? Is Video Adapter the same as Graphics Card/Video Card?

I forgot to mention, I got that PC in 2002/2003.

Re-seat, meaning remove the memory, video adapter, etc. and replace them to ensure they are inserted properly and have proper connectivity.

You can reset CMOS by removing the power cord from the PC and removing the CMOS battery on the motherboard (it's silver and about the size of a coin) and replacing it. After you reset CMOS, you will receive an error and will need to enter the BIOS setup and reset the system date and time.

it may be a faulty memory module ,thats been my coman fauly over the years
good luck !


@ Old Time >>> If I was to remove the power, how long will I have to wait till the power is finished in the battery.

@ Kevv >>> How would I know? Do you mean my RAM?

@ Seglob111 >>> May you please rephrase your question?

@ Old Time >>> If I was to remove the power, how long will I have to wait till the power is finished in the battery.

@ Kevv >>> How would I know? Do you mean my RAM?

@ Seglob111 >>> May you please rephrase your question?

The CMOS battery? You don't want to run all the power out of the CMOS battery. If you do, it will need to be replaced because it is not a rechargable battery. Besides, if you were to remove power from the PC it would take months for the CMOS battery to run out of power.

yes the RAM take all but one module out , use only one if problem continues swap with another and eliminate the bad one ,if that is your problem

@ kevv >>> That is a very good method, I aggree XD

@ Old Time >>> My computer was made in 2002/2003; would the CMOS battery run out by now? Is the CMOS battery only used when the power is disconnected from the PC and the when connected, the power from the PC is used in the CMOS? Is it possible ofr me to by a new one? How much would it be? Please tell me what currency it costs, so I'm able to convert it.

Thanks for all your help thus far everyone XD

@ kevv >>> That is a very good method, I aggree XD

@ Old Time >>> My computer was made in 2002/2003; would the CMOS battery run out by now? Is the CMOS battery only used when the power is disconnected from the PC and the when connected, the power from the PC is used in the CMOS? Is it possible ofr me to by a new one? How much would it be? Please tell me what currency it costs, so I'm able to convert it.

Thanks for all your help thus far everyone XD

If your CMOS battery was bad, you would know it because everytime you removed power (or your home lost power) from your PC and booted it, you would be asked to set the system time and date at POST (when you first power on your PC).

The reason I suggested removing the CMOS battery is to clear the CMOS memory.

Ok. I'll try doing that, if I get the time. Any other tips?

Elihu: Are you still having problems with your desktop computer?

Yes. I'm not able to open the Tower (if that's the official term, correct me if I'm wrong). So I thought I try to eliminate the options until I can. Thanks

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