
I want to buy a printer but I have no experience which type of printer (Inkjet or Laser) and which brand and it's model is suitable for my needs. I will tell you what I want to do with my printer and you can recommend me the perfect one for me.
I have already read your website's printer guide so it's no good you refering me to your website's printer guide.

I want to print-out web-templates (cool designs), back-grounds.

I want to print-out webpages (that display logos, images, etc.).

I want to print-out webpages (that display picture galleries).

I want to print-out webpages that are search result pages with images.

I want to print-out webpages (dating, marriage, etc. match-makers) that advertise people's profiles with text and photo-images.

I want to print-out webpages that have small images like these but the images should be printed-out enlarged in good quality.

I will be printing-out my own websites and not other peoples'.

Now, as you can see, I want a printer that will be able to print-out both text and peoples' photoh-images on A4 paper so I can turn the papers into leaflets. Better if it can print-out on A3 paper so I can create colourful posters.

I also want the ink to last long and be low cost because I really don't want to spend on ink more than 1 pence (British) per paper.
I think 1 pence = 1.65 cent (just less than 2 cents).

I have been reading printer guides and I understood that dedicated photo printers are not for me because they can't print-out text nor can they print on normal paper but require special "photo-papers" and these are smaller than A4 in size plus expensive.
I also understood that laser printers are not good to print-out images and photohs.
So, that leaves me with Injet Printers even if they are slower than laser printers.
Now, amongst the Inkjet Printers, I don't know which type is suitable for me.

I don't like the sound of Dye because they take too long to dry and more likely to smudge.
Maybe, Pigments are suitable for me ?
And, since "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands) are cheaper and equal in quality to "brand ink cartridges" then I guess it's best I buy an Inkjet Printer that can use all sorts of or atleast more than one sort of "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands) so I can test different companies' "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands).
From what I've been reading on :
it seems it is best that my printer does not have a 'fixed print head".

What happens when an ink cartridge runs-out of ink ? Do I have to replace the whole cartridge ? Wouldn't that be expensive ? Isn't it best to just get a cartridge where I can refill ink ? This way, I only spend money on ink and not on both (ink plus the cartridge) ?
I don't know what's best for me so please advise.

So now, which Inkjet Printer do you recommend that can use more than one company's "compatible Pigment ink cartridges" (non-brands) and print-on A4 and better if print on A3 (normal, standard) papers ?
Which brand and model (printer) do you recommend which is itself low cost plus it's ink/cartridge are low cost too and longer lasting and cheaper to replace/refill ?

Anything else I should know ?

Oh by the way, if it's a choice between choosing a printer that is fast but low quality printing or a printer that is slow but prints good quality then I'd go for the latter. But, ofcourse, I prefer a printer that can do both (print fast and good quality text and phots, images, logos, animations, etc.).

Reply asap because I need to buy one asap.


I mainly print my own photos, and for more money, you can improve results and sizes, options, etc. I am still using the printer I bought new, replacing several inkjet Epsons. I love it alot more than any of those, but it's not the best. Consider mine, the Canon i470D. It was bought new at $250, but can be found for $30 used, etc. Now!
It used a 3 color and 1 black inkset, both pretty affordable and prints text, graphics and pics with excellent Bubblejet technology. It's worth giving a try at the prices they are now. New printers use multiple inks for each color, and it's a nice theory, but it all adds up to more hassle and cost in my mind

I recommend an inkjet printer if you have to use your printer for your home use.

After seeing your requirement,my suggestion is go for laser jet printer.they are good with image printing and image quality.


I want to buy a printer but I have no experience which type of printer (Inkjet or Laser) and which brand and it's model is suitable for my needs. I will tell you what I want to do with my printer and you can recommend me the perfect one for me.
I have already read your website's printer guide so it's no good you refering me to your website's printer guide.

I want to print-out web-templates (cool designs), back-grounds.

I want to print-out webpages (that display logos, images, etc.).

I want to print-out webpages (that display picture galleries).

I want to print-out webpages that are search result pages with images.

I want to print-out webpages (dating, marriage, etc. match-makers) that advertise people's profiles with text and photo-images.

I want to print-out webpages that have small images like these but the images should be printed-out enlarged in good quality.

I will be printing-out my own websites and not other peoples'.

Now, as you can see, I want a printer that will be able to print-out both text and peoples' photoh-images on A4 paper so I can turn the papers into leaflets. Better if it can print-out on A3 paper so I can create colourful posters.

I also want the ink to last long and be low cost because I really don't want to spend on ink more than 1 pence (British) per paper.
I think 1 pence = 1.65 cent (just less than 2 cents).

I have been reading printer guides and I understood that dedicated photo printers are not for me because they can't print-out text nor can they print on normal paper but require special "photo-papers" and these are smaller than A4 in size plus expensive.
I also understood that laser printers are not good to print-out images and photohs.
So, that leaves me with Injet Printers even if they are slower than laser printers.
Now, amongst the Inkjet Printers, I don't know which type is suitable for me.

I don't like the sound of Dye because they take too long to dry and more likely to smudge.
Maybe, Pigments are suitable for me ?
And, since "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands) are cheaper and equal in quality to "brand ink cartridges" then I guess it's best I buy an Inkjet Printer that can use all sorts of or atleast more than one sort of "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands) so I can test different companies' "compatible ink cartridges" (non-brands).
From what I've been reading on :
it seems it is best that my printer does not have a 'fixed print head".

What happens when an ink cartridge runs-out of ink ? Do I have to replace the whole cartridge ? Wouldn't that be expensive ? Isn't it best to just get a cartridge where I can refill ink ? This way, I only spend money on ink and not on both (ink plus the cartridge) ?
I don't know what's best for me so please advise.

So now, which Inkjet Printer do you recommend that can use more than one company's "compatible Pigment ink cartridges" (non-brands) and print-on A4 and better if print on A3 (normal, standard) papers ?
Which brand and model (printer) do you recommend which is itself low cost plus it's ink/cartridge are low cost too and longer lasting and cheaper to replace/refill ?

Anything else I should know ?

Oh by the way, if it's a choice between choosing a printer that is fast but low quality printing or a printer that is slow but prints good quality then I'd go for the latter. But, ofcourse, I prefer a printer that can do both (print fast and good quality text and phots, images, logos, animations, etc.).

Reply asap because I need to buy one asap.


Well, i think that your printer requirements are very extensive as your usage as well. Although you may find the best suitable printer for your need , but you also have to consider the fact that you will be needing lots of INKJET CARTRIDGES for that (if you opt for inkjet printers). But you need not have to worry about that as there are now Recycled Inkjet Cartridges available which are very cheap as compared to new ones.

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