what is rma? Over the last few days I've experienced blue horizontal lines (1 pixel high) slashing across my screen at random heights of the screen. what are they? are they bad? should i bring it back to get fixed. i have had the computer almost a year n i just picked it up from it getting and now the webcam wnt work either.

RMA =Return Material Authorization .and usually consist of a form and rma number from the manufacturer of the item being returned .

i would be concerned with the lines ,although they could just be a loose connection .
please fill in the missing word.
i have had the computer almost a year n i just picked it up from it getting[missing word or words go here ] and now the webcam work

it just got back from being worked on. they replaced the motherboard, lcds and lcd wiring

it was just fixed. they replaced the motherboard, lcd wiring and the lcd's itself

i guess they didn't fix it very well ,who did the repairs ,the manufacture

best buy sent it to their geek squad hq

Wow, they replaced so much thing to solve the issue. How much did they charge you or is there a warranty?

i bought the extra warrenty for a year n its bout up i have had it in twice. i think im gonna bring it in and get a new one talk to the manager cause this is insane. I have an hp pavilion dv5

take it back for sure ,

i always buy from the little guy ,i hate big box stores

well the blue lines arent showing now but im still gonna bring it in cause this is crazy

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