you see, my ibm laptop suddenly was acting strangly and it wont go passed that " press f1 for boots options " screen and now when i turn it on the screen is blank! and the standby light is on when the lid is up! maybe the lid button is f*cked up. I do not know, but even if I were to get it out of standby how would i get it to load windows!?, note: I haven't spilled anything on it or dropped it or anything, it just started acting strange when I turned it on one day

Well, The title has EVERYTHING to do with your question, now doesn't it?

Let's make that title a little more informative eh?

Done. :)

Done. :)

Hey, don't you take the credit now! :p

Sorry guys, I just wanted to get you to see my post, so what do i do about the laptop?

Did you try pulling the battery out as well as disconecting it from the outlet? Then after about 30 seconds put the battery back in and plug it into the outlet.

as a matter of fact I did and I pressed the power button while i had the battery out in hope of draining the capacitor, but no... it did not work i have a feeling maybe the lid button that tells wheteher the lid is open or closed is messed up it is sort of \ slanted \ . but even when it would come on i didnt hear any fans and it only went to that one screen i described, after i return from school sometime today I will get the insturction for taking my lid off so i can get a better view of the standby button or whatever, until then good night and good luck

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