Which is the best avo meter for checking motherboard components ?
How can we check resistencs , IC's , Diodes & transisters usin AVO meters ?
Motherboard Main can b repair able ?

Motherboard Main can b repair able ?

If you're skilled at soldering 7 layer PCBs...

What are you trying to repair? Is it something specific or are you just learning about motherboard repair in general?

I think only two layers of mother board can be repaird one top layer and second botom layer , in central layers its imposible to repair without recycling ,
as i know generaly fault accours at top layer and in the botom layers , in very some rare cases when faults occours in central layers .
I already know which part of motherboard what's functions performs bt i don't know exactly how can i check these by AVO meter ,
can we check whole motherboard using AVO meter or another equipments is necessory for cheking these & how can i check these components ? ? ?

can we check whole motherboard using AVO meter or another equipments is necessory

It all depends on what part of the motherboard's broken. If you need to look at buses or lines which are switched at high frequency, your little AVO meter won't cut it - it won't be able to detect the fast changes in voltages. A logic analyser might be useful.

commented: Thanks Assembly Guy +2
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