tengo una sony vaio modelo SVE14111ELW que acabo de formatear tengo todos los drivers me sirve la tecla fn;puedo subir y bajar volumen pero no me sale el indicador y no puedo aumentar ni disminuir el brillo.investige y decian que instalara el drivers notebook control y utilities pero no lo haye en la pagina de soporte de sony ,si alguien puede ayudarme gracias

Please post in English. This is an English-only forum. Thanks.

As per Dani's post - this is an english only forum, though I do speak/read/write spanish, so here is my answer in English... :-) Usa el servicio traductor de Google si necicitas.

Sony systems are infamous for being totally proprietary - getting stuff to work is sometimes a real pain in the "you know where" - asiento. Sorry but I can't be of much more help with this... :-( My wife had a Sony Vaio and we eventually gave it to our granddaughter, mostly to torture her I think! :-)

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