A few months ago my rabbit chewed the wire. I bought a plug and play usb keyboard and it didn't work. Thinking it was a malfunction of the keyboard I exchanged it for another. None of them work. I'm using windows xp. The wizard is no help for it states can't find the necessary software to complete the installation. After looking around I realized my drivers for a keyboard have vanished. I tried downloading a few but couldn't find the right one. I'm now using the on screen one too type and I ABHOR it, it's taking forever to just type this. I'm not very computer savvy, so please explain at a kindergartner level. Please help? I'm begging lol.

I can't roll back the driver, I don't have any keyboard drivers. Under device manager there isn't a window key nor a keyboard option either. I have mice or monitor options but nothing for keyboard. I do know a while back that I did have one listed here. Just don't know where it went to. Under keyboard properties - hardware there is nothing listed.

System restore was the very first thing I tried. Didn't work either [​IMG]
Thanks for trying to help, I appreciate it.

i would try installing chipset drivers for your motherboard

Ok, I'd love to try that. How do I do it? lol :)

make and model of the conputer,what version of windows its using [post it and can help find the drivers ] if its a brand na,me will help narrow down the search for drivers .go the website of the maker of the conputer and check ot support ,you will need to input the model of the computer to get to the correct drivers

ok thanks, I'll try that. Hopefully I can find it since my pc was built for me at a mom and pop shop. I didn't purchase it out of a box lol.

This happens with me once when i am using XP sp2,
When I reformar my PC at the time I don't know the reason why it won't work, at that time My Desktop is not able to recognize any thing via USB Port.
(keyboard, Mouse, USB Drive etc...)

So I reformat as Factory way as told one of my friend and it's working,

So from this conclusion I will like to say while formating or by mistaken you have deleted important driver., If so then Get your driver back from microsoft or you can do from filehippo too as it include almost all driver on their site, [Note: Driver Depend on your System, If you are using SP2 then you to installed driver, if SP3 then no need of driver you just need to reformat.]

But before this you must contact with the nearby computer shop.
Best of luck !!!

ok,since it a custom build you could use Speecy to give the info needed ,like make and model # of the motheboard

Thanks so much to both of you. I'd like o try eveything else first before I bring it in for a reformat. Actualy I would probably just buy anoyhertower instead. I'll let yas know how I make out.

Sorry 'bout the above typos, they come so easily with onscreen keyboard.

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