i rebooted my computer ages ago and since then my speakers dont play any sound. when i put headphones in there still is no sound!!! i really dont know what to do sum1 plzzz help me!!!! gt bk 2 me if u need any more info!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Probably the sound card. Try checking device manager for any big yellow question marks. (right click "my computer", properties, hardware, device manager)

When you say "rebooted ages ago" do you mean restarting the pc or reformatting?

Probably the sound card. Try checking device manager for any big yellow question marks. (right click "my computer", properties, hardware, device manager)

When you say "rebooted ages ago" do you mean restarting the pc or reformatting?

tank u 4 replying...wen i say rebooted...(i dnt rly no much about computers).... basically i gt a virus of sum kind siome time ago nd den i rebooted my compuer...wid sum kind of windows cd (my brother did this so i dont really know)....... nd evrything was wiped clean from my computer so all the files and evrything was delted i hope this helps to explain....:confused:

when i go to the device manager there is a yellow question mark on other devices.... it has 2 other yellow question marks with exclamation marks in it in the list too which say....multimedia audio controller and video controller (VGA compatible)..................i am so confused i probly have confused u aswell!! sorry....im completely clueless....get bk 2 me soon plz....if u understood anything i said!! lol...thnk u for ur help:cheesy: :)

It seems you are missing your audio drivers. Do you know what kind of sound card you have or what brand and model your pc is?

It seems you are missing your audio drivers. Do you know what kind of sound card you have or what brand and model your pc is?

i dont know what kinda sound card i have but if u tell me how to find out den i might be able to....my computer is a packard bell nd the model is IXTREME POWER 6000.....thnk u 4 ur help again:)

there still is no sound and it does not seem to be any change. tank u 4 u help plz get back to me soon with another soultion if possible thnk u:)

Can you check your device manager again and see if anything has changed?

commented: thank you soooooo much!! +1

Can you check your device manager again and see if anything has changed?

o there is a differnce actually...in other devices now there is only 1 thing in the list...nd it has a yellow questionmark with a exclamation mark inside it....which says.....other devices.... Video Controller (VGA Compatible).......get back to me soon nd thank u for ur help again:)

Omg My Speakers Work Now!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You Soooo Mcuh U R Great!!! I Know Whre Tio Come When I Need Help Next Tuime!!!! Thank U Sopoooo Mcuyh!!!!!!!!!!

ello need a bit more help...how can i gt the little volume icon in the bottom right hand corner? thank u sooo mcuh for your help!!!!!

Glad it worked for ya :)

Go into sounds and audio devices in your control panel and on the volume tab there is a checkbox for placing the icon in your system tray. (If you don't use classic view in your control panel, go here for the instructions: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/tips/volume.mspx)

Glad it worked for ya :)

Go into sounds and audio devices in your control panel and on the volume tab there is a checkbox for placing the icon in your system tray. (If you don't use classic view in your control panel, go here for the instructions: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/setup/tips/volume.mspx)

sorted!!! thank u sooo mcuh!!! dnt know what i wud have done without u!!!!! :) :) :) :)

Happy to help. Enjoy :)

It seems you are missing your audio drivers. Do you know what kind of sound card you have or what brand and model your pc is?

this has happend to me, and i have no idea what brand or model my pc is, as my whole computer was glitter spray painted pink and i have no idea as it was a present. and im really confused!!!
if you could help me i would really appreciate it!

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