When I'm browsing my pc for a file then click a specific multimedia file my mobo suddenly rebooted continously. I've try to access safe mode but it won't load successfully, I try all possible solution under F8 menu but it won't. What would I do to see the problem?help please.

You need to test your powersupply.or if you have access to another try it.

Also if you have more than on stick of memory pull one out try it then swap and try the other.

i already tested the power supply by shorting some pins and i try different memory stick for it and won't display to my monitor.

Do you have a video card or onboard video?

when cooled booting your computer press F2 which will take you to the BIOS control pannel then ceck the problem make the necessay adjastments.

I had onboard video and never tried F2 but I'll be back to do that first.

Sometimes when I open windows media player my machine reboots ????

Peter, Australia

I've guest you had video card trouble

I've guest you had video card trouble

Well actually I finally found a dead/faulty USB port at the rear of the machine, I reloaded the drivers and they now all work fine and no re-booting problems.

Okey, It's seems my mainboard crashes and I had to replace it, this weekend just buy a ney board but I encounter some problems.

The problem is my power doesn't consolidate with the other peripherals so I had to replace it by a much higher amperes power supply.

Sometimes when you keep upgrading older machines with newer and extra periferals (USB Stuff) the Power Supply needs to be upgraded also

I aleady upgreaded the PSU also..see different post

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