I got a new set of speakers (the z-5500 by the way:) ) and now they take up all the plugs in the soundcard. Is there anyway to still use my mic or should i go buy a new one...if so any recommendations. I want a fairly cheap one...I just use it for bf2142

That's is weird, you should have the pink jack free for your mic.
What colour are the holes that you have your speakers plugged into, you should only be using the green coloured one/s.
Pink Jack relates to Microphone,
Orange Jack relates to Headphones,
Green Jack relates to Speakers.

the headphones have a pink and black jack on them....the sound card has a yellow, green, blue, and black jacks.....

Right your headphones have a mic on them i am guessing, judging from two plugs. Put the pink plug into the pink jack, the black plug into the black jack (if you want to use your headphones). The speakers should have a green coloured plug, which connects into the green jack on your sound-card.

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