I have a HP Pavilion XE748, 700 processor, 325 memory.

I have never had do replace a hard drive before, but I know I can do the physical work. The problem I'm having or think I will have is how do I get the new drive working with my machine.

Once I have the new hdd installed, how do I get a windows application (ME, XP, etc.) loaded so I can load all the other software programs I'll be using?

What I would like to do is load Windows ME and then immediately upgrade to XP. The problem I foresee is that I do not have Windows ME on disc, the only thing that came with my system was HP Recovery disks. I do however, have the Windows XP upgrade disc, but I don't think I can use it without having Windows ME in place first.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Try the upgrade disc. They have occasionally been known to work.
Other than that check out oem versions of the software, browse ebay looking for a second hand disk, etc.

With the newer operating systems like the ones you've mentioned you only need to ensure that the boot sequence includes the cd drive and it will usually install it all for you.

You can use the upgrade CD. run the Compatibility tool first, and uninstall any programs or drivers which the check rejects before performing the upgrade.

Another alternative is to add another hard drive to the system as a 'Slave' drive. Boot from the Windows Upgrade CD and you will get the option to install XP to the second drive, creating a 'Dual-boot' setup. You'll be able to access both your old Windows Me installation and the new Windows XP one.

Thanks for the reply. I decided to go with a new 80gb Western Digital hdd and a new copy of Win XP Home Ed. I was able to get a great deal thru www.newegg.com. I figure this way I can start fresh with a clean copy of windows and only the software programs I need/use, not all the BS that comes with a new system.

Thanks again for your advice.


You can use the upgrade CD. run the Compatibility tool first, and uninstall any programs or drivers which the check rejects before performing the upgrade.

Another alternative is to add another hard drive to the system as a 'Slave' drive. Boot from the Windows Upgrade CD and you will get the option to install XP to the second drive, creating a 'Dual-boot' setup. You'll be able to access both your old Windows Me installation and the new Windows XP one.

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