my windows disapeared; so can any one tell me linux that i can download and install, so i'll be able to use that PC again. or some other advices what to do

Well, has a distro search.

But for a beginner, I'd suggest Ubuntu Linux (Google it) 7.10.

It's basic, and almost like Windows.

i downloaded ubuntu and burned on cd, and i can run it in (live cd) mode, but when i instal it, system is asking to take cd out and boot the system but since i'm in (live cd) i can't take cd out and so. it kind of doen's works (if i was able to make it run on pc i'd be happy but...)

in ubuntu, when the system is done installing, is requests you to press enter to reboot.
if everything else fails, you can dismount the CD manually, just rightclick it and choose Eject or Unmount. If all fails, just reset the pc

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