Hello, i'm a newbie here and i just want to ask if what is the best distro in running PHP, MySQL, Apache?

counting on your replies.


I have Debian lenny/sid, no problem with installing Apache, MySQL and PHP.

Ok. Thanks for some advise. How about the Ubuntu? is it gud?

Ubuntu is good for plug and play, it has a lot of commercial and open source applications in the repos.

I've never used PHP, MySql, or Apache with it, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.

I love Ubuntu. It's the closest you get to a more friendly Linux environment.

Hello, i'm a newbie here and i just want to ask if what is the best distro in running PHP, MySQL, Apache?

counting on your replies.


Red Hat Fedora should work also. SUSE would work fine if you like debian. FreeSpire may be good also; I have used Linspire with no problems.

Personally I go with a .deb based system like Debian or Ubuntu. I'm currently using Ubuntu Server for a LAMP/FTP server to easily manage over 1000 unique FTP logins which is working great...although I'm still redesigning the web page the system itself is running great.

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