I just installed Red Hat 9.0. I'm a Linux newb. I cannot figure out how to install my Netgear wireless router. Any tips on what I need to do in order to get this accomplished?

What do you mean? You mean to get online with your machine? Just plug it into the modem, then into the ethernet port on the back of your computer. RHL should just pick up the connection and auto-connect.

If I'm understanding your question.

Well, I'm not connecting this machine to the internet. I'm just wanting to be able to communicate wirelessly with it from my laptop.

Then you should be able to just plug the machine into the router with a CAT5 or CAT6 cable, then plug the router into the modem, and transmit that way.

Red Hat 9 is very old, it probably does not support your laptop hardware very well. I suggest (if you want to use a red hat distro) to use either CentOS 5.2, or Fedora 9

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