am using suse 10.0 and i downloaded some rpms plugins for playing audio and video but i always get some error message when i try to install through yast.some help

am using suse 10.0 and i downloaded some rpms plugins for playing audio and video but i always get some error message when i try to install through yast.some help

I used suse long ago
at that time i dont have any problem with audio
amroke is capable of playing mp3 and all other audio formats
ya u should check the volume control since it mute by default

and if u want to install rpm packages just try this command in in terminal

sudo rpm -iv package_name

and if u are new to the linux just try ubuntu
since free support is available for ubuntu
and u will find it easier then other distros

and if u want it u can simply download it
or u can order its a free ship-it CD
u will get it at your home within 1-2 months

hope this will help you

the volume is not on mute.i also use kubuntu so i think l will stick to it .just trying suse out.thanks

What error do you get?
Have you install gstreamer-ugly plugin?

the easiest way to fix your problem is to ditch suse

thats what i did .am now using kubuntu.hope to master it

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