Hi there guys!

Just wanna know if Solaris container is the same as Solaris zone.
I've been searching over the net, and all throughout, it seems that a solaris zone is the same as solaris containers.

If they're not, please kindly tell me what is the difference between the two.

Thanks in advance!

Huh? I have been using Linux for 10+ years and never heard about this? Are you talking about running Solaris in a virtual machine? If so, what virtual machine manager (KVM, XEN, VirtualBox, VMWare, et al) are you using?

One of the features that Solaris have been so proud of are the virtualization of different operating system without the use of VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.

One of the features that Solaris have been so proud of are the virtualization of different operating system without the use of VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.

Ok. I haven't used Solaris for some time, other than as a guest OS in a VirtualBox VM in order to update some kernel modules, so I'm not up to date regarding its native virtualization capabilities. I would suggest that the poster ask this question in the Solaris user forums or search on Oracle's web site for documentation about these issues.

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