I need to install hamachi on kali linux. The only problem is that when I try to install it I get an error saying that it requires lsb-core 3.0 to work. So I tried installing lsb-core 3, but I was unable to find a package named lsb-core 3. So how do I install lsb-core 3 and hamachi?

I had the same type of issue. Kali runs on 3.7. I run kali in Virtual Box but the repositories lack a headers package. Without that, I can't install the VBox tools. I thought about recompiling the kernel, but the repos also lack any kernel-package. Perhaps someone with more knowledge could jump in on this.

What package manager does Kali use?

Where are you going to use Hamachi for exacly?
Private networking/Serverhosting<(I'd reccomend Port Forwarding.)

I know some well working alternatives but i need to know what you are going to use it for?

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