I bought my powerbook as a 'factory refurbished/ex-demo machine. It came with OS X (10.2)
already loaded. All the ilife suite is there except for Garage Band. Since getting the machine, I've updated the OS X to 10.3.5, via the 'net. The original OS X discs I have are for 10.2. , so I'm a bit reluctant to try reloading from the discs to see if Garage Band is on the discs. Is this program normally part of Os X & will it be on my discs? If so, what is the best way to load it onto my machine?


I am not sure where Garage Band is. I have the Panther 10.3 disks, and it did not come with it. I am wondering if it is an added piece of software.

As I have an older computer without the horsepower to explore these new technologies, I am out of the loop on GB and ipods.


Does anyone know where I can pick up GarageBand for Windows?

Does anyone know where I can pick up GarageBand for Windows?

eh' i don't think it's available for windows. if it is though please tell me. but hey if your into just mac programs on windows safari 3 open beta is out on windows so yea haah. im using it now its really good.

Is there an equivalent version for Linux then? I'd really like a version of Garageband, it's a good program...

darkfigher37, I'm actually quite impressed that you are still around after two years. That must have been a loooong wait!

No, there is no version of GarageBand for Windows or Linux. To my knowledge, the only programs Apple has written for another operating system are iTunes and Safari 3.0 beta, both of which are ported to Windows.

Try RoseGarden on linux


Can RoseGarden be compiled for Windows?

I bought my powerbook as a 'factory refurbished/ex-demo machine. It came with OS X (10.2)
already loaded. All the ilife suite is there except for Garage Band. Since getting the machine, I've updated the OS X to 10.3.5, via the 'net. The original OS X discs I have are for 10.2. , so I'm a bit reluctant to try reloading from the discs to see if Garage Band is on the discs. Is this program normally part of Os X & will it be on my discs? If so, what is the best way to load it onto my machine?

I also had Garage band in my eMac and had to do a full exercisim on my machine(clean)
and lost my writeing program and Garage Band. I used the disks that came with the computer.
Stranger: After about 2 weeks Suddenlly Garage band RETURNED? From where I have no idea.
I opened my computer one day and boom, there it was (Garageband) I thought it had something to do with disk #2 , but not.
I have recently Cleaned my computer again, and same as before, Garage Band AND the basic writing program is gone! What the heck is going on. Then, worce I saw this other person had the same problem so I registered on this web site HOPING to see an answer!
BUT NOT! Please if ANYONE knows how I can get my paid for software back (theboogieman007@yahoo.com) Tanks

I had the Garage band program all the time.
It's a 2 step process installing this from 2 disks that came with my eMac. Two separate install icons on disk one, and both are on disk one but only one of the two install icons will ASK for you to put in disk two! Bingo!
Garage Band. Disk number two has Garage Band.
But the number one disk MUST ask for this disk 2 during the install.

If anyone is still looking for the windows equivalent of garageband, MixCraft is about as close as it gets.

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