I am not sure if I am in the proper forum and apologize for the inconvience due to my ignorance.......

I have just moved into a new home with PC users. They use Linksys Wireless Router. I have a Powerbook running jaguar and have been unable to join the network.

My Powerbook finds the network perfectly. The problem lies in when I try to join it. When I click on the house's wireless network I am asked for a password. I enter the password everyone else uses and I recieve a pop-up message alerting me the password is incorrect. I am stumpt. The password isn't incorrect.

Any help/advice?

Most likely you have to enter the Hexidecimal version of the password. The router should have the hex version listed on the control webpage (you'll have to view it from someone's PC).

Exactly! Thank you so much. I have been searching every forum known to man for help. Everything works perfectly. Thanks again!

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