i have recently purchased a HP all in one printer which is supposed to work with macs with OSX but I have tried installing the software and at the very end of the process I get an error message that says a "system folder" is required but cannot be found. i have spoken with the HP people and they said I need to create that folder and the apple peps could probably tell me how but i cant afford their rates. can someone please help?

thanks, very frustrated

If you're running Mac OS X, you may have the wrong driver. No printer driver for Mac OS X is going to be required to use the "System Folder", which is from legacy OS 9 (and before).

Despite the error, have you tried simply trying to use it anyway?

thanks for the input Yellow,

I have tried to just print without going through the process because I had tried that once before with another printer and it worked but this time it would UNEXPECTEDLY QUIT the application that i was printing from and then when I go into the printer utility I would see the printericon but it has a ? over it and ah ha! it would say driver not installed so what you say is true .......so how do i go about getting that driver installed and why isnt it on my comp already? my comp camewith OS X so shouldnt it have that driver already? oh and how much will that cost me?

thanks again

Which HP Printer is it?

There are printer drivers for OS X here: LINK

And there's a note about it's functionailty (or lack-there-of) for Tiger here: LINK

thanks i'm downloading now, i'll keep you posted as to how things turn out.

one more quick question– I have this annoying box that pops up every 15 to 20 minutes while i'm on the internet asking me to DISCONNECT OR STAY CONNECTED. If i leave the room for a second thats when it decides to pop up and then i am disconnected because it only gives me like 30 seconds to make a decision. i have combed through this whole computer(ibook G4) and every setting i can find but i can't get rid of it- you wouldn't happen to know how to turn it off?
this answer would really take away a lot of stress in my life please help

I'm sorry, I have no idea. I've not used dial up for at least 5 years.

I'd suggest looking at the System Preferences -> Internal Modem select-bar -> PPP Setting button -> Prompt every X minutes to mantain connection

Help! ....since installing OS Tiger 10.4 (G-4) on my flat-screen iMac nothing seems to work right!!! ...most of all my HP photosmart 7350 printer! ..I'm about ready to chuck this iMac into the Kern River ...! ...this is the last up-grade I'm doing ....changing to windows as soon as I can afford it!


I have tried the HP drivers recommended for tiger ..but nothing seems to work on my HP photosmart 7350?

I am thinking of doing as u recommended and get a Canon printer. Any one that you think would positively work with Tiger?

Which HP Printer is it?

Need to print, but not printing. HP LaserjetP1005

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