I have two macs one is a g3 ibook and the other is a powerbook g4. I have the software restore for the ibook but not for the powerbook. My powerbook died and now I need to reload it. I was wondering if I can use the software restore from the ibook on the powerbook? Also I was wondering if there is a way to install it via firewire. Any help or direction for this would be great. I think I am really screwed seeing as I don't have the software install disk but I would like to think there is an option.

I don't see why you couldn't use it (unless theres some legalgity issues here..)

You should be able to boot from the other macs harddrive by use of a firewire connection.

Unless they both have the same version of the OS (which I doubt), then what you're attempting isn't legal. Read the EULA.

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