Hi, my five year old son was on my computer this morning and somehow made the colour on my screen negative. It affects everything - all programs and the desktop, but when I log back in as another user the colour is normal. He had photoshop open, but I can't work out whether something he did in there caused it - or something he did in the system preferences.

If anyone knows how to fix this I would be grateful.


Check System Preferences - Universal Access and make sure that the "Black on White" radio button is picked, instead of "White on Black".

i certainly hope you've figured out how to fix this by now, but if not:
hold ctrl+option+apple+8 and you'll be back to normal.

i certainly hope you've figured out how to fix this by now, but if not:
hold ctrl+option+apple+8 and you'll be back to normal.

Thanks for bumping a 2-month-old thread that's already been resolved.

Brilliant - the universal black on white options were a fail but this was exactly what i needed!

Hmm, seems like you've been pranked by someone :]


i certainly hope you've figured out how to fix this by now, but if not:
hold ctrl+option+apple+8 and you'll be back to normal.

That was exactly what I was looking for, fixed an annoying problem in two seconds, thanks!

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