I have osx 10.4.6 Tiger installed on my system. When using Internet Explorer I am repeatedly getting a "Script Error Message." It is so frequent that it is taking all enjoyment out of using the computer. Can someone tell me what to do (step by step) in simple easy to understand language how to stop this. thanks, Marty.................

I have osx 10.4.6 Tiger installed on my system. When using Internet Explorer I am repeatedly getting a "Script Error Message." It is so frequent that it is taking all enjoyment out of using the computer. Can someone tell me what to do (step by step) in simple easy to understand language how to stop this. thanks, Marty.................

That's normal for Internet Explorer. I get the same errors on IE for Windows. I'm not exactly sure why it does that, but it does. You can try disabling IE's Javascript feature by going into the preferences.

My recommendation: Unless you're absolutely attached to IE, try Apple's built in browser, Safari 2.0. Or, if you're feeling adventerous, download a copy of Mozilla's Firefox. These browsers shouldn't give you these problems.

commented: I appreciate your advice. I intend to follow it! +3

IE is a deprecated browser on the Mac and is woefully out of date (it's not had any additional coding changes since 2003). It's no longer distributed by Microsoft for use. As noted previously you should really move onto another browser, such as Safari, Firefox, Camino, Opera, or the like.

commented: Thanks Yellow, I'm going to follow your advice! +3
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