cjpetrie 0 Newbie Poster

I'm having a problem with my Preview program. I used to be able to select an area of a document in Preview, copy and paste it to a Word document, select another area of the document then cut and paste it also. Now, when I select an area and crop it, or copy and paste it, the correct size area is pasted or copied, but it is a different area of the document, not the area selected.

For example, I select the heading area of a census page, and the area cropped or pasted is around lines 8 thru 12 of the entries - further down the document in Preview.

I took this problem to the Mac Genius Bar, and they:
deleted any preferences that had been set up for Preview - didn't work
did an archive install - didn't work.
Their suggestion was to back up all of my data and reinstall my OS X upgrade to see if that would fix the problem. They said it seems to be a software problem with Preview.

I would appreciate any help/suggestions.