My girlfriend bought me a MacBook Pro from her friend. The MacBook is running Mac OS X 10.4.8. I want to clean out the harddrive and start from scratch. I bought the MAC OS X disk, but when I attempt to install the disk the desktop says the disk will not work for system. What can I do?

Have you tried restarting the MacBook Pro with the Mac OS X install DVD in the drive, and holding down the 'C' key while the thing starts up?

Yes I tried. But thre system goes straight to the disk but nothing happens.

when I attempt to install the disk the desktop says the disk will not work for system. What can I do?

You arent trying to install the intel version on a powerpc based mac are you? or vice versa?

You arent trying to install the intel version on a powerpc based mac are you? or vice versa?

That's what I was going to suggest next, but I initially assumed that "buying Tiger" would mean that it was a universal binary. I was wrong.

Note: This version is ONLY for PowerPC Macs. Why? Simple. Because no Intel Macs shipped before Tiger was released. In fact, it was already up to about 10.4.3. So all Intel Macs already have Tiger.

So what this means is, if you have an Intel-based Mac, you already own this software!

To update to the absolute latest version for free (10.4.8 as of December ’06) , use Software Update (from the blue Apple menu), or, if you don’t have broadband, find somebody with a CD or DVD burner who does (the Apple Store has both!) and grab this download:

If for some reason you need to reinstall Tiger from scratch on your Intel Mac, simply use the software restore DVD (Disc 1) that came with your computer. If you’ve lost it, contact Apple at 800-APL-CARE for assistance, or go to your nearest Apple Store. They can replace those disks for you.

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