i have a sony dvd r/w drive that i can't get to play dvds on my pc. can some please help me out i have windows 10 on my win XP home?

i have a sony dvd r/w drive that i can't get to play dvds on my pc. can some please help me out i have windows 10 on my win XP home?

i assume you mean windows media player 10.what you need it dvd codex to make it work ,if your computer came with the dvd player it should have come with cyber link power dvd player or another popular dvd player ,you will have to google for dvd codex for wmp 10 if it didn't come with power dvd .

i assume you mean windows media player 10.what you need it dvd codex to make it work ,if your computer came with the dvd player it should have come with cyber link power dvd player or another popular dvd player ,you will have to google for dvd codex for wmp 10 if it didn't come with power dvd .

well i got powerdvd xp 4.0 and it does not want to play the dvds. what do you recoomend?

What DVDs are these? Burns or retail movies? I don't really care, but it may be relevant to the problem. Also, is was the drive pre-installed or did you just add it recently?

What DVDs are these? Burns or retail movies? I don't really care, but it may be relevant to the problem. Also, is was the drive pre-installed or did you just add it recently?

they are actual movies. this drive was recently installed. i have put a dvd drive in another computer and used the cyberlink powerdvd xp 4.0 and dds work great there but not on this one

they are actual movies. this drive was recently installed. i have put a dvd drive in another computer and used the cyberlink powerdvd xp 4.0 and dds work great there but not on this one

Ok, are you getting any error messages when you put the DVD in? I assume you tried to start the disc manually through the program as well. What happened? Does it just sit there, make noises, or pop up any messages?

Ok, are you getting any error messages when you put the DVD in? I assume you tried to start the disc manually through the program as well. What happened? Does it just sit there, make noises, or pop up any messages?

when i try to play it the message says the disk in the drive is not formatted. i can see the light go on and hear it spinning but does not want to go and play the dvd.

when i try to play it the message says the disk in the drive is not formatted. i can see the light go on and hear it spinning but does not want to go and play the dvd.

That's an odd message...that sounds like a Windows error rather than a player error. Are you relying on auto-play, or did you open the DVD player software and try to play it manually that way?

That's an odd message...that sounds like a Windows error rather than a player error. Are you relying on auto-play, or did you open the DVD player software and try to play it manually that way?

i try to let it autoplay but wont start so i use the powerdvd and start it manually and get that message. when i go to my computer to access the drive with dvd in it is says it is a cd drive rather than a dvd drive.

i try to let it autoplay but wont start so i use the powerdvd and start it manually and get that message. when i go to my computer to access the drive with dvd in it is says it is a cd drive rather than a dvd drive.

Hmmm...sounds like a Windows problem.

Right-click My Computer, select Manage. Click on Device Manager. Expand the DVD/CD-ROM Drives section. Delete the entries here. Reboot.

When the system reboots, it should see and re-install the drivers. Once it's done, reboot again for good measure (even if it doesn't tell you to) and try again. Let me know your results.

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