Upon startup, I get an error message saying that CCApp can't start because it can't find atl71.dll. I hit cancel and things seem to be working o.k. Do I need this file? If so, how do I get it back?


It's hard to tell what atl7.dll is-some report it as spyware, some say it's Music Match.
The real problem may be CCApp, which is part of Norton.
See here:
I like what this guy says, as I really, really detest Norton products.
You might want to uninstall Norton and get something like AVG free. which ha served me well for years.

the file is needed microsoft file .

you can download and put it in the system32 folder where it should reside, ,i have it there + 10 other places all Nero, but a larger file .
you may have a problem with the windows program mention in the link,and you may need to search for and install the program .
info here .

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