Anybody please help me. its URGENT
my computer is dual boot running win xp and win 98
and now my win 98 is showing some trouble when I start my win 98 there are no icons on the desktop and no start button and system tray.actully my computer was infected with some spywares such as sidefind,and internet optimizer.and some dangerous toolbars.when i tried to uninstall them manually this thing happened and windows desktop screen just went blank.I even tried booting win98 through safe mode but it didnt help

First off, are you booting from same HDD? Have you tried running any chkdks from XP?

Most likely you have removed something that is needed by Win98. Can you press ctrl+alt+delete when your desltop appears? I havent used Win98 in a bit but I know that in XP you can do that and then run a new task from there. If you can do the same in 98 try running SFC.

Can you get into MS-DOS, I think sfc can be run from there. You will need your Win98 CD or to knwo the location of the CAB files on your 98HDD/Partition (usually C:\Windows\Cabs - or \options\cabs I think, sry can someone post actaul address of cabs files plz ;) )

You may have to reinstall 98. Hopefully not.

1. Start your computer, press and hold CTRL, and then choose Safe Mode Command Prompt Only from the Windows 98 Startup menu.

2. At the MS-DOS prompt, type cd\windows\command (where windows is the name of the folder in which Windows is installed), and then press ENTER.

3. At the C: prompt, type scanreg /restore, and then press ENTER (note the space before the forward slash).

4. Select the previous registry you want to restore, and then press ENTER.
NOTE: A properly working registry has the word "Started" next to the date.

5. When you receive notification that you restored a properly working registry, press ENTER to restart your computer.

how do i do this in xp

Hi all,
I had a similar problem and was looking for info on the web and landed on this site.

In my case it's my gf's computer and she installs everything that they asked her to install.....she had like 3 extra toolbars on her IE. So I uninstalled them, I've installed Mc Afee Security Suite 7. Made all the necessary updates and then conducted a virus scan (during the scan I felt asleep). She told me the following morning that the scanner found a trojan and she asked Mc Afee to repair it, and so did Mc Afee....but after a few minutes the computer hung. She was tired went to bed as well. The following day (today Sun Sept 11th, 2005) I turned on the PC and no desktop/icons/systemtray.....nothing.....explorer didn't run at all.

I now started to PC in safe mode with no problem after following the instructions made by dlh6213. Thanks.

Now my question is: What should I do in safe mode in order to make sure that the computer would run with no problem in the future? Thus I mean for example, if I turn it off, and start it later on, it will start normal (not that I get the same problem again). Or am I done now?

Help would be highly appreciated,

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