What is your vista boot up time (from the start of the moving green bar, until the desktop is usable)?

1-2 minutes just to get to the login then another minute for everything to load up

on xp its 15 - 30 seconds to the login and 2-15 seconds until its usable

hell, on some occasions my xp machine goes from the BIOS to the desktop before the vista black screen/loading bar thing comes up

a clean install takes less than a minutes once i start to add programs it moves up to 2+ minutes.

adding just 256 more ram, can cut it signficantly

1:15 on average, 2+ when configuring updates

Just tested it -- 1:15 minutes from the time I pressed the power-on button until the login screen appears. About another minute until the desktop is usable. But the time for that part would vary greatly from one computer to another due to what all is installed that has to be auto loaded.Mine has antivirus, Folding@Home, three gadgets, winzip. and of course the network connections.

i hardly ever shut it down now, i just leave it in sleep constantly - hibernate is useless these days as it has to save your ram contents and if you have 2gb or so then it makes it take more time than just shutting down/rebooting or else i would use it

hibernate is a waste of space and time!! sleep is great though!!

31 seconds on a 6 month old install on a 1 tb drive. thats with both cores active of an e8500 intel 3.16Ghz oc'ed to 3.8 and no gui boot. Also, 4Gb of 1066 dominator ram.

31 seconds on a 6 month old install on a 1 tb drive. thats with both cores active of an e8500 intel 3.16Ghz oc'ed to 3.8 and no gui boot. Also, 4Gb of 1066 dominator ram.

Please not *bump* old threads. This post began pre-Vista SP1 or SP2, so boot-times have drastically altered since then. Thus you making any comparisons now are of little significance.

But isn't there a wonderful significance in doing just that? I say MORE people post. why not? I do see the difference since sp2 just indicate what sp when posting. I have sp2. Do have a better boot time? If so i want to know how I can improve mine. Otherwise delete the thread

But isn't there a wonderful significance in doing just that? I say MORE people post. why not? I do see the difference since sp2 just indicate what sp when posting. I have sp2. Do have a better boot time? If so i want to know how I can improve mine. Otherwise delete the thread

Or better still, start a new thread!!

Also, to back up kaninelupus' rant, these boot up time threads are useless unless firm measurement rules are set. It only matters if we have benchmark conditions and one person could volunteer to do this.

Otherwise it's a totally useless and pointless exercise. Anyone disagree?

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