When I click on my At&t internet icon on the desktop, it says, "Choose the program you want to use to open this file". I can scroll down and choose Internet Explorer, but I'd hate to have to do that every time.

I tried to uninstall Internet Explorer 7 from the add/remove programs list, but it won't uninstall because of a copy error that says "Setup cannot copy the file ieakmmc.chm. Ensure that the location specified below is correct, or change it and insert 'Windows NT Service Pack Uninstall Directory' in the drive you specify"

Also, I can't access Internet Options from the menu bar. (Tools>Internet Options) It just flashes for a second, then nothing.

I have an HP Pavilion Intel Pentium D 2.80 GHz with XP SP2

download IE V7 reinstall then restart, then try to uninstall it.you can download IE here

download IE V7 reinstall then restart, then try to uninstall it.you can download IE here

Thanks for responding so quickly, bobbyraw. I tried to reinstall it from the link you gave me. The install process went smoothly, until about 99% through, then it said it was unable to install one of the updates, and I was given the option to restart. It froze up while shutting down. It wouldn't turn off so I unplugged it, waited for 10 seconds, and plugged it back in. When it turned back on, I tried to uninstall IE7 from add/remove programs, and the same copy error came up (saying it couldn't copy the file ieakmmc.chm) So, I tried to get back online, and it wouldn't do anything. I clicked on the icon, nothing. Not even an error or message. So, I did a system restore, and decided I would try the install/uninstall process again. I reinstalled IE7 & this time no update error came up. The restart process went smoothly.
But, when I tried to uninstall IE7 from add/remove programs, the copy error came up again. I'm just about to say forget it & get a new cpu.

About a month ago someone said that Regcure was a good way to fix problems on your PC. I downloaded it and it cleaned out some stuff, then it said I had to manually remove the games (Spongebob Obstacle Odyssey) myself. I did, so now I'm guessing that's what's wrong. Is there any way I can get back the registry items? I didn't delete much but I do remember one of the games being under the Internet Explorer tab... Maybe go get another cpu and never touch Reg-anything again.

I just asked my friend about deleting registry items and she said if i deleted one wrong thing my whole computer is (quote on quote) effed. Is she right or is there a way to get my registry items back?

I just asked my friend about deleting registry items and she said if i deleted one wrong thing my whole computer is (quote on quote) effed. Is she right or is there a way to get my registry items back?

oops this was supposed to go under my other thread (server error in /rdqaio2 application)


the installation has to be completed before you can uninstall. try this procedure to uninstall http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927177

I did each uninstall process from the link you provided, which I appreciate, but Bobbyraw I think I may have screwed up my computer registry wise by deleting things that I thought were games. I mean they were games.. Console Classix, Spongebob Obstacle Odyssey... Everything was legit, or so I thought. I guess I messed with the wrong one..
I'm kinda pissed at myself for even downloading Regcure, knowing I didn't know wth to do just in case something like this would happen. I'd hate to have to buy a new computer, which won't be nearly as nice as this one (which was 2000 bucks) but hey.. What can ya do? No really what can I do??? Help me lol Maybe wipe it clean.. idk
Anything to keep me from buying a new one.

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