hello, i hope someone could help me. my sound drivers are installed and the sound was coming out, but in someday i downloaded "switch sound file converter" and after i've installed it there was no sound in my entire pc and i had media player, vlc, divX, mpc star, quick time, itunes, and k-lite installed on my pc..i've tried many songs and videos to check if the there is sound or not, but there wasn't any sound coming out and the speakers were connected correctly..so i uninstalled all of the programs that i mentioned above except media player and re-installed k-lite, divX, but the sound was still not coming out, so what shall i do to fix it?

I would suggest roll back sound driver
Go to My computer Properties>Hardware Tab> Device Manager > Sound, Video, and Game controller : Double Click Soundmax or any other Driver >Driver Tab > Roll Back Driver.

I would say that your program has changed the universal sound preferences. This can be found on the start menu at:
Start --> All Programs --> Accessories --> Entertainment --> Volume Control.
Then check that all of the sound meters as set to at least half way.

Do a system restore to BEFORE YOU MADE ANY CHANGES,this should work :)

Good luck!!

Why not just install the card and then reinstall with the new drivers. Should solve the issues without having to rollback or system restore.

if you have the driver that works fine..just uninstall the driver that causes the mess..and install back the driver that works fine...

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