just the other day my girlfriend logged onto AOL like normal to check her email, later that day when she went to log back on she could no longer connect, the model will dial but she cant get a connection, it goes through the booping and beeping while it dials the numbers, and even makes the screeching and screaming of the modem as it connectes, but when it does connect, it connects for a second and then is bounced.

We have yet to find any solutions for this, we have tried aol autoFIX (JUNK!!!). We have tried to dial different access numbers to no avail. We ran into this problem once in the past, but had to resort to formatting the harddrive because we could not find a sololution to the problem.

Right now she is running norton and looking for any viruses (found about 20 somthing so far cant remember)

1. Starts computer and she gets a pop-up from Norton that it cannot configure her email auto protection because her proxy settings are wrong
2. Goes to connect to AOL, goes through all the normal connecting like so but gets bounced upon actual connection

She is on a Windows XP Home, on an HP machine loaded with the extra HP crap that she doesnt need. I have a question though, could this be related to the 180 search assitant, because its in her add/remove program files, and i read that it can disable your internet access if you try to remove it??

Also a Hijack this, or Adware/SPybot scan will not be possible as she has not connection to get the software, and she is to far for me to bring a CD over with it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and please, i know AOL sucks and that 56k sucks too, but simply replying get broadband or somthing to that affect will not be much appreciated.

More info, the computer has a recovery partition, im just trying to figure out how to use it to format/reinstall the OS and the Software that came bundled with it. Any help as to how would be greatly appreciated.

just the other day my girlfriend logged onto AOL like normal to check her email, later that day when she went to log back on she could no longer connect, the model will dial but she cant get a connection, it goes through the booping and beeping while it dials the numbers, and even makes the screeching and screaming of the modem as it connectes, but when it does connect, it connects for a second and then is bounced.

We have yet to find any solutions for this, we have tried aol autoFIX (JUNK!!!). We have tried to dial different access numbers to no avail. We ran into this problem once in the past, but had to resort to formatting the harddrive because we could not find a sololution to the problem.

Right now she is running norton and looking for any viruses (found about 20 somthing so far cant remember)

1. Starts computer and she gets a pop-up from Norton that it cannot configure her email auto protection because her proxy settings are wrong
2. Goes to connect to AOL, goes through all the normal connecting like so but gets bounced upon actual connection

She is on a Windows XP Home, on an HP machine loaded with the extra HP crap that she doesnt need. I have a question though, could this be related to the 180 search assitant, because its in her add/remove program files, and i read that it can disable your internet access if you try to remove it??

Also a Hijack this, or Adware/SPybot scan will not be possible as she has not connection to get the software, and she is to far for me to bring a CD over with it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, and please, i know AOL sucks and that 56k sucks too, but simply replying get broadband or somthing to that affect will not be much appreciated.

Hey, It is possible that the modem drivers may be corrupted. She may want to uninstall the modem from the Device Manager and then restart the computer. It should reinstall automatically (if is the modem that came installed originally). Also, is there any chance AOL has suspended her account? If so, the modem would dial and start to connect and then realize the suspension and disconnect. Just a thought.

onless I missed it in you post ,Call AOL!:)

been on AOL numerous times in the past couple of days, and they are worse at computers than i could believe, i can barely understand anyone on the phone because tech support is based in India (no offense to anyone indian, just have a hard time understanding such a strong accent is all;)) and they are giving the run around, IE, just run teh Autofix tool, or change your dialing number, no actuall success with anything. I am to the point of just calling up HP and asking them how to get into the recovery partition and use it to format and reinstall everything. Ughughgugh i swear, the people at AOL know less about computers then you could possibly imagine.

Hey, It is possible that the modem drivers may be corrupted. She may want to uninstall the modem from the Device Manager and then restart the computer. It should reinstall automatically (if is the modem that came installed originally). Also, is there any chance AOL has suspended her account? If so, the modem would dial and start to connect and then realize the suspension and disconnect. Just a thought.

good idea, only hope that the computers copy of the drivers are not corrupt as well, as sending her a disk with the drivers would take a couple of days to reach her. Though i wonder how owuld one get their account suspended? i mean what would they have to do? all she did was sign on check her email and sign off, but when she went to sign on next all it did was go to connect, and when it got to the connect stage it would bounce her.

Have fun on the phone with HP ,as they just moved there call center from here in Canada ,laying off 500 people and moved it to India also !

Have fun on the phone with HP ,as they just moved there call center from here in Canada ,laying off 500 people and moved it to India also !

OMG!!! WHEN WILL THE OUTSOURCING END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NEVER !!! We made $400.00 + a WEEK ,and in the other countrys they are getting the same job done for About $400. per mnt.!!

Hi - error "unable to connect or check your internet connection" I had this problem after some automatic updates were applied to AOL 9.0 with XP Pro. I could sign in, get the welcome sometimes, then get dumpted. FINALLY FIXED IT - Read on.

It drove me nuts, so I was using the www.aol.com site to get to my mail. I finally had the time to sit on the phone with aol, and after reloading everything twice (2 different versions, AOL 9.0 VR and 9.1, went back to 9.0 VR)

The last AOL guy told me it was because I was already logged in. If you have EVER used the IE browser and told it to keep you logged in, go back on and SIGN OUT!!! I showed logged in on the aol server until I did this. (didn't fix the disconnect problem, but probably didn't help)

I checked the logs in my Linksys Router. IM was set to blocked due to too many attempts to access. I am still not sure if it did this by itself, or my husband did it because of the excess hacker attempts. We have a server off our network, and have had a lot of hacker attempts that sometimes shuts stuff down.

The AOL seems to be using the IM software to populate the screen. I could sign in, get the welcome sometimes, then get dumpted. The screen NEVER populated past the header. Once the IM was allowed through the router firewall, everything works. If you have IM blocked in your router - it will NOT work. I had checked the windows firewall, and that was good, but had not given a thought to the router.

Hope this helps some.

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