I have a Dell Dimension 3000 with Windows XP, and Service Pack 3 was just installed. When I start up I just get the Windows screen XP. When I reboot and press F8 and try to start in Safe Mode with Command Prompt, I don't get the prompt but get a screen filled with
multi(0) disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\windows\system32\DRIVERS\...
Any suggestion/help is greatly appreciated

What happens when start with normal safe mode?
You should consider a repair install. id say theres a couple of corrupt files.


In Safe Mode I get the same screen, then I get the Safe Mode screen with nothing except the heading Safe Mode and reference to SP3.

Zephyr do a windows repair. Im almost certain it will solve you're prob.

You may need to press F5 instead.
Do you get a splash screen that gives you options to get into "Setup" etc?


Oh MY GOD! The multi(0) stuff is WINDOWS LOADING. I use safe mode ALL THE TIME. JUST WAIT FOR IT TO LOAD

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