I have installed Alcohol 120 and then after my laptop is restarting in a loop...
after logging in i get inly 5sec and then blue screen appears and restarts...
atleast in normal mode i can login but in safe mode not even that...
i tried F8 last know good...... but its also not working...
i tried F11 but a black screen appears....
i dont even have the recovery discs...

Hi there Tabarak,
First off, I'd like to apologise for my (seemingly) harsh behaviour at your previous post in the other thread.

Do you have your Windows Vista disc? Please insert your disc and then boot into the DVD.

If you don't know how to do that, please follow the instructions here to boot into the Windows disk.

Now, click on Repair your computer and select the Vista installation you would like to repair.

Press the Next button to continue. If the repair process does not detect any problems starting Vista, it will display a list of available recovery tools. If it does detect a problem it will attempt to perform a Startup Repair to automatically fix these problems.
Otherwise click on the Cancel button and select the View advanced options for system recovery and support option to see the list of recovery tools.

From this list, select command prompt and enter the following :

  • Type wmic and then press enter.
  • When you get a prompt like this : wmic:root\cli>, enter product where name="Alcohol 120%" uninstall. Press enter.

    When prompted, please type y to confirm.
    Alcohol 120% has just been uninstalled from your computer.

  • Type quit and press enter.
  • Type shutdown -r and then press enter.
  • After the computer restarts, it will ask you to press a key to boot into the DVD. DO NOT PRESS ANYTHING, we're trying to get into your system.

Please remove the Windows disc and then reboot normally.

Please let me know if this works, and also, please let me know if you face any problem.

> Question:

Hi there Tabarak, Do you have your Windows Vista disc?

> Answer:

i dont even have the recovery discs...

If Vista came pre-installed on your laptop and no recovery disk(s) came with it, there might be a recovery partition somewhere on your hard disk ...

which laptop u have?
is it booting in safe mode?
try this:
get a ubuntu disk and then live boot. access your program files folder:
C:/Program Files/
delete the alcohol folder and now try your os.

If you can login on your Windows installation try the following:
Click the Start Button > Run > type: 'msconfig' (without the quotes)
In the window which came up select 'Diagnostic Startup' and click OK > Restart your computer ...

Now you should be able to start Windows without any crashes or BSODs ...

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