My internet explorer program stopped working and i got an error mess"0x800106ba" I have done some research and know this is a windows defender error. I have tryed uninstalling it but the computer wont let me. I tryed restoring it and i can't do that either. Now no programs are working and it won't let me do a thing. Please help i think im going to crack soon!!!:'(

Thanks for reply...I found that too and none of it worked. Now none of my programs are working, I'm thinking its FKed all together now. I have a lot of photos on it and it won't let me do anything at all......I really need help

Thanks for reply...I found that too and none of it worked. Now none of my programs are working, I'm thinking its FKed all together now. I have a lot of photos on it and it won't let me do anything at all......I really need help

Well if you did all that by following the directions on the site in the link,then may i suggest taking you computer to a computer repair shop!,funny it worked for all those who replied to that site
good luck

I always have this as the best solution. Just a suggestion, you can still open your files right? Make a back.up of all your files. Then, format your hard disks and reinstall your Windows (since non of your programs will work). A virus might have caused this. Once reinstallment is successful, put back the files to where they had been.

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