hi everyone i am mimi. i need to know how to create a partition so that i can install two operating system. i heard about partitio magic but i need more explanation about it.
can anyone help
many tnx

Hi mini use partition magic its very nice and easy to use
just boot form dos command and use it to make a new partition

What kind of an OS are you running and what will be the 2nd OS ?

If they are all windows OS you can install both of them on the same partition as long as you have free space :-) It will modify your boot ini and give you options to login to OS 1 =Xp OS 2 Vista etc.

If you wish to use a partition manager i think you should read the Help file that comes with the partition manager ...Open the program and press F1 on your keyboard and you will have the knowledge base you want.

I prefer partition magic over partition doctor. However if you can get HIREN Full Boot CD it comes with more tools you can never imagine to help you :-)

If you are not good at computers please may you get someone to do this for you . Do what you know and know what you do first before you get into a big MESS

Well, i've used paragon and its good. Its so easy to use- check it out through google. I've had successes with paragon on both xp, vista and windows server 2000/2003. You should try it.

Okz if u are using Windows Vista then u cant use paragon partion magic coz paragon partition magic is not supported with Windows Vista..

In Vista u will download Gparted Live CD.
Burn the disk and after that boot from that cd.
and also check screenshot before use coz if u done any mistake u can lose ur data. so Must check Screenshot
Gparte live is totaly free and also one more thing download stable realse not new version coz stable version is working fine

Here is the link

sorry peps, i hadn't read the post well. Paragon would do best at creating the partitions you need but as for installing two operating systems i've done that with Easy BCD installing both xp and vista. I haven't had a feel of windows 7 yet so i can't say. With Easy Bcd you would have created the partition first after which you would install xp then using your vista os cd, repair the vista bootloader. Install Easy BCD and manipulate your operating systems from there
Check with this http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_xp__stepbystep_guide_with_screenshots.htm

You can you a software for partition just like the one that you said but you can also use the built-in partition program of XP and it is associated in your XP installer.

actually i plan to install windows and vista.
how about protecting my data from virus

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