I did not find the perfect forum for this topic. Hence, I have posted this thread here in the windows servers forums. Please move it to the appropriate forums if there is any.

Which virtualization technology is better? Hardware level or software level? My friend suggested me to go for software level virtualization. However, I am still concerned about the technology as to which I should choose?

Thanks in advance.

that depends on what you need. if you need to virtualise a piece of software, and place it in a separate container, OpenVZ is your friend, and that is mainly software virtualisation.

If you need to run a lot of VMs efficiently, with performance comaprable to baremetal installations, you have to go for hardware level virtualization. you need the right hardware for that, mind you

commented: Nice post +36

Thanks DimaYasny. I am not gonna sell VPS for hosting. Actually, I would sell VPSes for forex trading. I think software level virtualization is good. I think they also save hard disk space. OpenVZ will be ok, I think.

Thanks DimaYasny. I am not gonna sell VPS for hosting. Actually, I would sell VPSes for forex trading. I think software level virtualization is good. I think they also save hard disk space. OpenVZ will be ok, I think.

OpenVZ can only provide unix/linux containers, it's basically an extremely enhanced chroot jail, so if your VPS is windows based, you need something else

OpenVZ can only provide unix/linux containers, it's basically an extremely enhanced chroot jail, so if your VPS is windows based, you need something else

I think I would stick to the virtuozzo then. :) Thanks.

I think I would stick to the virtuozzo then. :) Thanks.

openVZ _is_ virtuozzo :) Open-V(irtuo)Z(zo)

just the community version :)

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