OK i was on VISTA playing some Age Of Conan and all of sudden my graphics start flippin out. Colors got distorted everything was just wrong so i restart hoping it would fix the problem but then it came back over and over. So one day i restarted the computer i see the Vista loading screen then bam the screen goes black. I can hear it turn on but nothing shows up on the screen. And i restart it again but i log into my XP and the problem is there too, my screen just turns blank after the loading screen. So I pop out the card and try my other 2 cards and there giving me the same problem.

Some of the things i did logg into safe mode and updated the drivers. I cant reinstall windows cause i get the blank in the middle of setup. I updated the MOBO. I dusted out everything inside the comp. And now Im all out of ideas and dont know wat to do. PLSSSS help im losing my hair :'(

A replacement PSU (Power Supply Unit) would be the next thing to try.

A replacement PSU (Power Supply Unit) would be the next thing to try.

Sooo I should just get a bigger PSU?? Wat if that doesnt work?

It will be a gamble really. It may cure your problem, it may not.

It is your choice.

It will be a gamble really. It may cure your problem, it may not.

It is your choice.

You have anyother ideas that you think that may fix my problem?

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