Help ! I need to reload my DVD drive; I cannot access or play CDs; I have an error code 19; I've already remove the upper and lower filters, but it is still not working. Thanks for your help.

What windows version are you using and what computer have you got?

We can only work with the information you give us.

what is the status in your device manager? if you go command prompt can you access the drive?

Help ! I need to reload my DVD drive; I cannot access or play CDs; I have an error code 19; I've already remove the upper and lower filters, but it is still not working. Thanks for your help.

Do you see your dvd drive in the P.O.S.T (Power On Self Test) screen,before booting the operating system?It is a black screen with white texts,this p.o.s.t screen shows the drives like hdd,dvd,cd...etc

what is the status in your device manager? if you go command prompt can you access the drive?


I can see my Phillips DVD-RW DVD 8631 listed under Device Manager; I do not have a D drive listed; only my C drive; I have the "yellow" ? exclamation mark listeed. I am running Window XP Home Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 3. - I removed the upper and lower filters already, did a system restore, and I even removed the DVD and put it back, but none of this has worked. I don't know of any other fixes. Thanks again for your thread response.

yellow ? is missing driver

yellow ? is missing driver

Yes, when I tried to add the CD DVD back in as new hardware I get the Code 19 error message.
the above link you can download the missing driver :D

Thanks Flaming Claw for the download, I click on the link and it started the execution file, but it said I need Windows Professional. I am running Windows XP Home Edition, SP3; do you know how I can upgrade to a newer or later version so I can run the link to the drivers? Help me please....thank you!

Hi Linda,
THe explanation of WinXP error codes can be found here and maybe a possible solution.
The other possibilty is that your DVD drive is dead only one way to check would need to put another dvd drive in and see if you have the same problem.

Hope this helps


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